10 Signs and Symptoms of a Sick Cat
Cats are infamous for disguising illnesses.
Unfortunately, this implies that sick cat symptoms go unnoticed by pet parents until they have gotten out of hand.

However, you don’t need to be a veterinarian to know when something is wrong with your Fluffy Friend.
This blog post will make you more attuned to spotting a sick cat’s top 10 common signs and symptoms.
Additionally, the easier the treatment will be if you spot these subtle signs early on.
Let’s get started!
1. Changes in Appearance or Weight
When a cat isn’t feeling well, they may appear a little “off.”
Watch out for signs of illness like your feline friend's hunched over, moving less gracefully, tilting their head awkwardly, or carrying their tail differently.
You may notice subtle changes that may not even stand out.
When a cat is sick, dehydration is the typical issue.
The VCA Animal Hospitals recommends the following steps:
(1) gently grab your cat’s skin at the shoulder blades
(2) pull it away from their body, and
(3) release it and observe.
If the skin immediately snaps back into place, then your cat is not dehydrated.
But if the skin seems “tented up,” this usually suggests dehydration.
You need to consult a veterinarian immediately.
Cats with chronic illnesses may experience gradual weight changes, only noticeable when you run your hands over the ribs and spine.
If you think they have extreme weight loss, especially if they were overweight before, this may be a sign that your Fluffy Friend has a metabolic disorder such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism.
2. Changes in Personality

Although it depends on each cat’s personality, sick felines typically become reclusive and may even hide from their cat parents.
Some cats get angrier than usual or clingier, while others get needier.
An unwell kitty typically has a reduced energy level.
Your cat may sleep more, play less, or be restless.
Also, if your cat seems to increase their activity level, this may be a sign of hyperthyroidism.
Cats with hyperthyroidism can’t sleep at night and may wake you up with their yowling.
Tabbies with joint issues or arthritis may find it challenging to move around, cease jumping up onto tables or other higher surfaces, or may change the way that they jump.
If your fluffball suddenly can’t use its hind legs, seek medical advice immediately.
Though it may be common for older cats to have arthritis, it’s essential to make them comfortable with an orthopaedic pillow.
3. Changes in Excretion
Constipation and diarrhoea are both serious symptoms of illness in cats.
Constipation can be harder to spot in the litterbox than diarrhoea.
Small, dry, hard stools are abnormal and can signify kidney disease.
If there’s more pee in the litter box than usual, this suggests that your kitty’s body can’t conserve water and may signal that it is developing kidney, liver, or diabetes mellitus issues.
Less urine can also be a sign of a kidney or bladder issue.
If you notice your feline frequently entering and exiting the box or strains to pee, they may have urinary tract issues.
A feline with a urinary tract infection excessively licks their genitalia.
You should seek immediate veterinary care if you observe a sudden appearance of litter box issues.
Related: 10 Cat Breeds That Get Along With Dogs
4. Changes in Appetite or Thirst

Any sudden change in thirst or appetite is always a cause for concern.
Kitties with dental disease will be picky with their food.
However, cats suffering from metabolic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or hyperthyroidism, may be too hungry or too thirsty.
Additionally, cats with liver or kidney issues typically have increased thirst but may experience a loss of appetite.
It's a good idea to set a vet appointment immediately if your cat hasn’t eaten or drank water properly within 24 hours.
Anorectic cats are more likely to develop hepatic lipidosis, also known as fatty liver disease, which causes them to lose their appetites for long periods.
If diagnosed with fatty liver syndrome, your cat will need emergency care for weeks to months.
5. Hair Loss or Skin Issues
When your tabby is not feeling well, you might notice that they’re not grooming themselves well.
As a result, you may frequently see an unkempt or oily coat, fur matting, or masses of loose hair.
Sometimes, you might notice a change in the coat’s sheen or dandruff.
On the other hand, excessive self-grooming in cats is also not a good sign.
If you think your cat is grooming more than usual, it may be a response to stress, a skin issue like allergies, a parasite like fleas, mites, or ringworm, pain from an ailment like arthritis, or a problem with the bladder.
Always remember that cats that excessively lick one place too much may have rashes or other skin issues.
When you take your kitty to the vet, bring their travel bag with you so you can carry them comfortably.
6. Unusual Eye, Nose, and Ear Discharge

Discharge from the eyes or nose indicates upper respiratory infections.
As a result, your furry pet can become ill and lose their appetite.
Health issues like these may be contagious to your other pets at home.
In this case, seeking professional veterinary advice is highly beneficial as the vet can recommend medication to treat the infection.
If your cat has ear discharge or debris, they may have ear mites or an ear infection.
If left unattended, the eardrum may be affected.
Ear problems are very uncomfortable and may cause your feline to shake their head frequently.
Related: 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting Your First Puppy
7. Swelling, Lumps, or Bumps
It’s crucial to pay attention to any swelling in the body.
For one thing, it can be an abscess developed from a wound or it could be a tumour.
Observe the area and schedule a veterinary appointment if your cat shows signs of pain if you touch the lump, if it's hot to the touch, or if there’s no improvement within a few days.
8. Breath Issues

Bad breath may indicate dental concerns.
Though mild halitosis may not be an emergency, your cat’s teeth must be examined the next time you visit the vet.
Still, severe halitosis should get urgent veterinary care.
Additionally, keep an eye out for excessive drooling and mouth bleeding.
If your cat gets an oral infection, the bacteria may spread throughout the body.
The heart and other organs may be affected.
Wheezing, shallow breathing, panting, or abnormal breathing difficulties are very serious.
Cats with breathing issues frequently sleep with their neck and head extended or may have problems sleeping normally.
Sneezing or coughing fits that recur frequently are also indicators of illness.
9. Vomiting
A cat vomits occasionally— a hairball here and there, or they may throw up right after eating.
Frequent vomiting for more than a few days is not normal.
Also, remember that dehydration could result from vomiting that lasts longer than two days.
Observe how often your feline vomits and what it looks like when it does.
If you notice that the vomit has blood, looks unusual, or is too frequent, a trip to the vet is necessary.
Keep in mind to keep your tabby in a car travel box to avoid messy clean-ups.
Frequent vomiting may indicate:
- Cancer
- Liver issues
- Infection
- intestinal obstruction
Related: How to Introduce Cats to Dogs
10. Increased Vocalisation
Cats may be trying to communicate with you when they suddenly become too noisy.
Increased vocalisation may mean that your feline is in pain, is experiencing gastric discomfort, or possibly has a neurological condition.
A cat that meows more frequently than usual for longer than 24 to 36 hours can have a serious problem.
Then again, it could signal something entirely innocent, like their favourite toy is missing or they’re hungry.

You are the only person who truly knows your pet as a cat owner.
It's always advisable to trust your instinct and seek immediate veterinary attention if you see behavioural or physical changes in your pet or simply get the feeling that something isn’t quite right.
Even the slightest indication of cat disease might result in serious issues if not addressed immediately.
Pet illness may cause anxiety, and an anti-anxiety pet bed is a great solution to help your Fluffy Friend be more comfortable during recovery.
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MrFluffyFriend - Orthopaedic Pillow
Hello, I was wondering if there are ways to see if y cat has a fever, and a small cold. He started sneezing here n there but just past day or so. His paws are pretty warm to the touch.
MrFluffyFriend™ replied:
Hey Felicia!
We’re sorry to hear that your cat is sick. As pet parents ourselves, it can be worrisome if our pets are sick. To check if he has a fever, you can use a digital thermometer in his ear. You can also use a pediatric rectal thermometer. The normal temperature for cats range between 100.5F to 102.5F or 38.1C to 39.2C. If you think that your feline has a fever for more than a couple of days, please bring him to the vet for tests. There may be underlying medical issues especially if coupled with other illnesses.
Hope this helps!
—From Your MrFluffyFriend Team!
Thank you for putting the 10 warning sigbs that cars have. Very helpful!
MrFluffyFriend™ replied:
Hey Sherrie,
We’re super glad you liked the post. Don’t miss out on the other posts that may interest you!
—From Your MrFluffyFriend Team!
Thank you for all of the very detailed information! Without having to pay 40$ was able to get the information I needed to know what to do!
Thanks for sharing informations regarding fur babies.
thank you for all the info,i take all my pets to vet regularly